Welcome to FrogBlog for Froggy Bottoms River Pub in Northfield, Minnesota, designed to keep you up to date on the latest hoppings and happenings at Froggy Bottoms.
Froggy Bottoms River Pub and Suites
305 S. Water Street, Northfield, Minnesota 55057
For information on the Froggy Bottoms River Suites, click here.
Hours for Froggy Bottoms are Monday-Saturday, 11 a.m. to closing. The kitchen is now open all day, with lunch specials 11-4. Happy hour 4-6 Monday-Friday. Lunch specials for each week are announced at the pub and in inserts in the Froggy Times.
Froggy Bottoms has been in operation since July of 2001. We invite you to visit us and see what has become one of Northfield’s social centers, a community gathering place with a funky, froggy feel all its own. Enjoy your time with us.